
– 1995. Bola. Sales Municipals. Ajuntament de Girona (Two-person exhibition of Toni Giró – Marcel Ges)

– 1996. Galerie Iconoscope. Montpelier. (One-person exhibition)

– 1996. Udveksling. Ründetarn. Copenhage. (Group exhibition)

Installation. 600 X 500 X 100 cm.
Fiberglass, felt, zinc, writing and drawing with chalk and video
Single-channel video. 4:3. Total playing time: 20’08’’

Collaboration with Marcel Ges

Bola (Ball) is a work, minimalistic in appearance, which manifests itself as a piece left over from an action. The result is consubstantial to the work which has come to be in the territory delineated by and in function with the dynamic which gives it its functional meaning. A felt carpet delineating the space of the action extends across the floor of the exhibition space; on top of this is a black sphere whose surface is covered with the traces of words and drawings made with chalk, as though it were a school blackboard. Part of these traces can be found upon the carpet. On the walls of the space four chalk dispensers can be found and on the floor, outside the field of play, a monitor shows the action played at twice the natural speed carried out by two interlocutors.

The two performers are situated barefoot on opposite sides of the carpet, each with a piece of chalk in their hand. One of them approaches the sphere, writes upon its surface, then roles it toward the other who receives it, writes a new message upon the sphere and then roles it back to the first. The process is repeated successively. The ball looses a part of its messages each time it is rolled across the felt, this in turn acting as an eraser. Some traces of the messages remain stamped in reverse upon the carpet. The action, which accelerates progressively, lasts about ten minutes.