The Skin of History

– 2017. Toni Giró EN RESiDÈNCiA in Serrat i Bonastre High School.
Frederic Marés Museum.

Curated by A Bao A Qu Association

Acción realizada el 19-05-2017
Video monocanal 16:9. 13 min 46 seg.

This project is born from a paradox: adolescence as a transit stage situates its force in provisionality, in the fact of being a process and a journey. Adolescence does not understand about status and, consequently, does not correspond to permanence, to the statuary. Seeking the choice of possible, adolescence rehearses concerns in the shelter of the memory of recent childhood but with the impulse of the projection of the future.
By working on a choice of statues in the neighborhood of Serrat i Bonastre High School, #MONU #mentalismes try to connect their own transience of adolescence with the permanence of some of these sculptural presences, initially opaque to the eyes of the young. The proposal has had three fundamental axes that have helped us to approach creativity as critical thinking:
– Archeology, as a method of recomposition and interpretation of reality from the fragments, projected both retrospectively into the past and prospectively into the future.
– The estrangement, as a sensible strategy towards the everyday to define new uses, meanings and relationships.
– The taking of position with respect to the images and objects that surround us and that we produce.

Jacques Rancière maintains that the real is always the object of a fiction, of a construction of space in which what we see, say and do are knotted. It is the dominant fiction that denies its fictional nature by posing as real itself and drawing a dividing line between the territory of reality and that of representations and appearances. Art, as fiction, undermines the real consensus, fractures and multiplies in a controversial way. Thus, the fictions that it generates, far from being authoritarian, should allow the appropriation by new unique, different and provisional fictions, such as those of adolescence.
This work has been carried out within the framework of the 8th edition of CREADORS EN RESiDENCiA at the high schools of Barcelona, a program of the Institute of Culture of Barcelona and the Barcelona Education Consortium, conceived in cooperation with the Association A Bao A Qu.