Think Tanks


Iron and glass. 300 x 270 x 50 cm

This sculptural work maintains interest in giving physical presence to certain words and concepts. In this case, the constructed word pairs do not have a direct relationship with military operations, but they do refer to the power groups that design the geopolitical and economic strategies and dynamics that will end up leading to armed conflicts. The word Think Tank is commonly used to refer to these lobbyists who, in their forums and meetings, make decisions of global scope obeying particular and corporate criteria without attending to the consequences on the population of the countries that will suffer their consequences.

The association of words Think Tank is paired with an explicit demand that ironic about its meaning, with a poetic game of phonetic similarity. Three glass bells deployed in the space delimited by each pair of words arranged angularly, and complete the piece with objectively reinforce the sense of isolation and self-protection of these groups of power.